Homemade Ginger Ale (recipe included)

Homemade Ginger Ale

Do you love Ginger Ale? I do! My children do too.  Whenever their tummies are sore they crave ginger ale. Ginger has been used for thousands of years to help relieve nausea and stomach issues as well as other inflammatory  discomforts to name a few of the amazing benefits of ginger.

Most of the most popular store bought Ginger Ale has very little ginger and loads of sugar and corn syrup, some are even artificially flavored and actually have no ginger?  They are also stored in aluminum cans or toxic plastic bottles.  The most popular Ginger Ale, Canada Dry even is said to have negative side effects on the body. SO…….. 

Back to my children and their sore tummies!

It makes no sense to give them a drink full of artificial flavorings and loads of sugar when they want to feel better.  One day, I thought to myself, maybe I can make a probiotic Ginger Ale that is good for my family made from all natural ingredients!  I know the basics behind fermentation so I used this knowledge to create a ginger culture or “Ginger Bug.” After the Ginger Bug is made Ginger Ale can be ready every 2-3 days! This is so exciting to me and I want to share it with you so you can also make your own! The best part about it is that you have the incredible health benefits of the ginger, the probiotics and beneficial enzymes from the fermented ginger in the Ginger Bug, and the vitamin C from the lemon that is added. It is an all around good for you drink! YAY! Here is the recipe!

Homemade Ginger Ale


1/2 cup Ginger Bug
8 cups of filtered Water

  • 2 inch piece of Ginger Root, minced
  • 1/2 cup organic Sugar or another sweetener like Coconut Sugar, Honey, Agave, Stevia, or Monk Fruit Powder
  • 1/2 cup fresh Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan Salt

     *Makes 2 quarts


  1. Put 3 cups of water, minced ginger, sugar and salt in a pan and bring to a boil.
  2. Turn to simmer for 5 minutes or until sugar is dissolved and it starts to smell like ginger.
  3. Remove from heat.
  4. Add 5 cups of water.
  5. Once cooled completely, Add lemon juice and ginger bug and mix.
  6. Pour liquid into a 2 quart mason jar or any jars that seal tightly.
  7. Leave on counter for 2-3 days until carbonated. 
  8. Strain and put in bottles (I like these ones) for refrigeration.

Benefits of Drinking Ginger Ale

  • Helps with indigestion
  • Helps with nausea
  • Relieves motion sickness
  • Soothes sore throats
  • Soothes coughs
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Helps suppress vomiting
  • Good alternative to alcoholic drinks
  • Tastes yummy.

**You can make the Ginger Ale Recipe without a Ginger Bug and just add some sparkling water for carbonation.

Please let me know if how your homemade Ginger Ale turns out! Don’t give up if it doesn’t work out the first time. Sometimes you have to try a few times before you master your own creations. As always, please write me with questions or comments below.

Be well,
  ~ Alex

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