How to Compost


Composting is an important part of organic gardening. It is a way to add nutrient-rich humus which fuels plant growth and restores soil that may have been depleted of nutrients. Composting is a great way to get rid of unwanted kitchen scraps, garden scraps and paper scraps. By gathering indoor and outdoor ‘trash,’ you can help your organic garden thrive and produce nutrient dense food.

How to Compost:


1. Pick a spot where you will have your compost. This should be somewhere close to the house and the garden but far enough away so there is no odor or bugs close by home. 

2. On the spot you picked, lay twigs or straw a few inches deep.
(This allows for drainage and air to get in)

​3. Add materials in layers trying to alternate between dry and moist. Dry ingredients include ashes, straw, leaves, grass clippings, paper, cardboard and egg cartons. Moist ingredients include coffee, tea bags, food scraps, seaweed, etc. 

4. Keep the compost pile moist, not soaked.

5. Cover the compost pile with something like a wood board or tarp. This helps to keep moisture in as well as heat which are both essential for composting. 

6. Every few weeks turn the pile. This will allow oxygen to get through to the entire compost. Oxygen is a must for the composting process to work. 

7. As you collect more materials for the compost, just mix them in. 

Instead of building a compost on the ground, you can also purchase a Rotating Compost Tumbler.  This makes it easy to turn the compost.

The secret to a healthy compost pile is getting the ratio of Carbon/Nitrogen balanced. 1/3rd Nitrogen (Green) materials to 2/3rd Carbon (Brown) materials. Nitrogen materials include food scraps, grass clippings, manure, etc. Carbon material include, dried leaves, wood, saw dust, brown paper bags, coffee filters, egg shells, star, wood ash, etc.  

Happy Composting!

Different Composting Tools (Click on Picture)

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