Why use an Air Purifier?

Air Purifier

An air purifier is a machine that sucks in air and takes it through filters that remove dust, pollen, bacteria and harmful particles. The purified air then seeps back into the room. During the winter months, we spend a lot of time indoors. Within those walls, there are 5 of us, 3 dogs and 2 cats. With all of the dust and animal dander, the air purifier seems to really work and purifying the air. The EPA estimates that indoor air is two to three times greater than outdoor.

We are currently experiencing a global pandemic. You might consider getting an air purifier as we are spending most of our time indoors trying to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. They have a germ defense filter and help clean the air which are both important during this time.

Reasons to use an air purifier

  • Breathing clean air
  • They remove unpleasant odors
  • They help combat allergens
  • Traps dust
  • Stops sickness and germs from spreading
  • Keeps your lungs healthy
  • Makes the air feel fresh

Air Purifier that I tried

Once I realized that having an air purifier for our home was necessary with the amount we are indoors with animals and fires, I had delivered by amazon a Okaysou Air Purifier. The Okaysou Air Purifier is medical grade filtration system that captures and reduces 99.7% of airborne particles, including dust, dander, pollen, pet hair, smoke, household odors and household gases.

While it is hard for me to tell that the machine is doing what it says, I do enjoy breathing in the filtered air. I can feel the purified air in my lungs. I have been rotating the machine daily in different room sin the house. My daughter used to sneeze every morning when she woke up i am assuming from the cat dander. With the air purifier, she doesn’t wake up sneezing. When I have the air purifier in my room while I sleep, I sleep better being able to breathe clean air and I wake up with clear lungs.

I highly recommend the Okaysou Air Purifier. Click here to learn more.

Please stay healthy during these times!

~ Alex

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