8 Ways to Live a Natural Lifestyle

Many people are attracted to living a natural lifestyle and you don’t have to eat granola, have dreadlocks and not shower to live a life connected with nature. Living a natural lifestyle is a life focused on getting back to our roots and the basics of living in harmony with nature. A life focused on production rather than consumption, of being a guardian to the Earth, rather than an enemy. Living a healthy natural lifestyle means we are actively pursuing the highest level of health for our body and it begins with a mindful choice to desire a holistic life with the balance of mind, body and spirit. There are simple ways that you can begin to change your life to one with intention by contributing to the healthy life found in the natural world.

Ways to Live a Natural Lifestyle

1. Grow More Food

Growing your own food is so rewarding and beneficial to your health. There is something magical about watching a seed sprout into a food producing plant. If you do not have space for a garden, plant herbs, fruits and vegetables in containers or even grow them on your windowsill. Sprouting seeds in jars is a fantastic way to grow nutrient dense greens, quickly in your kitchen. Click here to learn to grow your own sprouts

2. Choose healthy food

Choosing organic food is important. Todays food contain so many preservatives, artificial ingredients, antibiotics and pesticides that can lead to dis-ease in the body. Organic food is a nutritious way of helping with the body’s natural healing process while supporting the way food should be consumed. Research shows that what you eat can contribute to your mental health.

3. Reduce Waste and Recycle

There are many ways to reduce waste. Choose items with minimal packaging. Buy from the bulk section. Use reusable bags for shopping trips. Choose to store food in containers rather then plastic bags. Use cloth towels instead of paper towels. There are many ways to recycle. Many trash companies collect aluminum, plastic and glass which makes it easy to recycle. Another way you can recycle is by reusing. Reuse containers such as glass jars or coffee containers. Click here to learn alternatives to plastic.

4. Make your own body care products

The aisles of body care products that you find at most stores are full of toxic chemicals that when put on the skin are soaked into the bloodstream. You do not need a lot of ingredients to keep your body clean, you can make them yourself and find most of them in your kitchen. Coconut oil and baking soda mixed together makes the ideal toothpaste. There are many resources for natural body care recipes online. Get my FREE ebook: Natural Body Care Recipe Book

5. Make your own cleaning products

The majority of cleaning products you will find on store shelves are full of chemicals. Toxins that you then breathe and wreak havoc on the body. Cleaning products can be very simple. For example, using vinegar as a window cleaner or olive oil for wood floors or vinegar, baking soda and lemon for your bathroom and kitchen counters. There are so many natural ways to keep your house clean.

6. Alternative healthcare

Master Tonic Immune Support Tonic Combo

Alternative healthcare equals natural self care. The body has the amazing ability to heal itself. Alternative medicine has a lot to do with prevention. By living a healthy lifestyle and including immune boosting foods, herbs and essential oils, you can protect your body from become sick. Also incorporating alternative treatments like massage, acupuncture, energy healing, saunas, etc. you will aid the body’s natural healing process while helping to release toxins from the body. If your body does become ill, there are many medicines found in nature that will heal the body. The Master Tonic and Immune Support Tonic are what I use to keep my family and me healthy.

7. Walk in Nature

Walking in nature, especially barefoot, has been shown to reduce stress and depression while connecting you back to the rhythms of the natural world. Moving your body on a regular basis is so important to a healthy natural lifestyle and doing it in nature has even more benefits.

8. Emotional Health

Your emotional health plays a big part in your healthy lifestyle. There are tools you can use to help with your emotional well being like journaling, meditating, deep breathing, listening to healing music, visualizing and practicing mindfulness. Your social life also has a connection with your emotional state. Avoiding negative people, gossip and negative situations will be a great contribution to your healthy natural lifestyle.

Research Says the Right Food Can Make You Feel Happy
Body Care in Your Kitchen
Storing Food Without Plastic

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